Key success factors of community-building in hospitality real estate
`Humans are by nature social animals´. While communal living goes back to the earliest days of human cohabitation, the latest trends explain the growth of [...]
`Humans are by nature social animals´. While communal living goes back to the earliest days of human cohabitation, the latest trends explain the growth of [...]
As front liners risk their own safety to curb the spread of COVID-19, the travel industry has stepped up to lend a helping hand. The [...]
In Spain, the State of Emergency became effective on Monday 16th, with more than 11 000 COVID-19 cases registered. Most commercial businesses closed; exceptions being [...]
The global number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has surpassed 100 000. As the outbreak slows down in China, cases are spreading in Europe. [...]
Viva España!, amics, friends! This is the HoCoSo team, reporting back on our 3rd Annual Pow Wow*. This year, our destination was Barcelona. Instead of [...]
Picture the scenario: young professional moving from Amsterdam to Berlin for a short-term secondment, no contacts in that city, no accommodation provided with the job, [...]