The Hospitality Resilience Series together with the University of Central Florida is pleased to announce the results of the Hospitality Resilience Study.
The Hospitality Resilience Series was founded in 2020 by Jon Hazan (Atlas Coaching), Jonathan Humphries, (Chairman of HoCoSo), and Chris Mumford, (Founder of Cervus Leadership Consulting). The series seeks to challenge existing mindsets, exchange personal insights, discuss practical solutions and provide a forum for shared experiences that will help build personal solutions.
The purpose of the Hospitality Resilience Study was to understand the factors that contribute to personal resilience for leaders in the hospitality industry as well as to identify key resilience indicators (KRIs) that may lead to the formation of a resilience index or metric for organizations in the hospitality industry. Leaders across the sector were invited to participate in a short survey which was conducted in late Spring 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The findings outlined in the report provide a starting point for understanding ways to improve work-related resilience among leaders in the hospitality industry. Among the 156 respondents to the survey, almost half are based in Europe and more than 89% of them hold leadership and managerial positions. They have an average revenue under direct responsibility of 50.2 Million Dollars and an average span of control over more than 500 employees.
Among this sample of participants, life domains such as engagement in leisure activities, friendships outside of work, job involvement and engagement, and community involvement were most negatively impacted by the pandemic. More stable life domains such as relationships with a spouse or significant other, relationships with children, and spirituality or religion were found to be least impacted by challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Based on an index of three life-components: 1) Subjective Well-being; 2) Coping Self-Efficacy; 3) Organizational Member Adaptivity; the survey’s respondents were categorized into three levels of resilience, from strong to medium to low resilient individuals. Findings showed that individuals who were more active in work-related matters, were continuously learning and who strongly identify with a community, had the highest levels of resilience.
Founders of the Hospitality Resilience Series, Jon Hazan, Jonathan Humphries and Chris Mumford share that, “In tough times, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic, our relationships, our physical health, and our engagement with work, are clear contributors to our individual resilience levels. Organizations have an opportunity to support their leaders in these areas and thereby strengthen their own ecosystems. We are extremely grateful to all those that participated in the survey.”
The Hospitality Resilience Series was founded in 2020 by Jon Hazan (Atlas Coaching), Jonathan Humphries, (Chairman of HoCoSo), and Chris Mumford, (Founder of Cervus Leadership Consulting). The series seeks to challenge existing mindsets, exchange personal insights, discuss practical solutions and provide a forum for shared experiences that will help build personal solutions.
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